Sandwich Boards

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Sandwich Boards
Sandwich Boards
Sandwich Boards
Men advertise a 'Pictorial Address' at Southend Hall to be given by W A Prunell. Prunell was in charge of Southend Hall from approximately 1907 to 1910 so the picture was probably taken within this period. A sandwich board advertises 'scenes from Pilgrims Progress' and 'The Making of a Mission' by The Bradford Wesleyan Mission. (pub March 1911) pg29 (although talking about Eastbrook) ... "at our first meeting in June, Mr Nield gave an illustrated address on "England's Enemies" ; and a week later demonstrated the folly of betting and gambling, by a lantern lecture on "Flats and Sharps". On another occasion, slides illustrating Bunyan's immortal "Pilgrims Progress" were found very effective in making the gospel appeal".
Christopher Pratt
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Christopher Pratt
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