Southend Hall, Bradford

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Southend Hall, Bradford
Southend Hall, Bradford
Southend Hall, Bradford
Southend Hall outdoor lantern projection. In C Pratt and Sons c1910 'Illustrated Description of the Capabilities ...', pg111, they describe installing cinematograph equipment which can be "reverendersed and either used for a meeting in the street in front, for announcement slides, or for meetings in the hall itself." This picture appears in 'Southend Hall's Jubilee Handbook & Souvenir, 1880-1930', Bradford's archive 67D86/13. A leaflet for the opening ceremonies of the new Southend Hall. Reverend Prunell wrote the introduction: "Dear friend, at great expense my committee have furnished the above hall for 'Popular People's Services' ... My experience at Eastbrook Hall, as colleague Reverend H M Nield has taught me that an unconventional type of building has great attractions for the non-church goer. We want to attract such to our new hall ... with a view to providing healthy amusements for the people and a counter attraction to the public house and music hall ..."
Christopher Pratt
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Christopher Pratt
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