Cottage Service

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Cottage Service
Cottage Service
Cottage Service
Cottage Service. In Eastbrook Centenary Souvenir, pg 143, under a chapter about social services, it says, "The message of the helping hand, through the toil of the Ministers, Deaconess and workers, has been carried into thousands of homes in Bradford ... The holding of Cottage Services and Lodging-house Services has been a regular feature of the work." In 'The Making of a Mission' by The Bradford Wesleyan Mission,pub March 1911, pg39 -40, there is a good description of the type of people in Cottage Homes: the aged poor, inmates, foster children, sick. Also a personal story on pg61: "Have you heard tell of my Cottage Meeting?" Two souls had been saved on her hearthstone ... Oh that the church was more alive to the value of these quiet, unobtrusive ministries!' (in comparison to the aggressive's leagues' Lodging Houses Services) See negative 55 for information on Cottage Services.
Christopher Pratt
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Christopher Pratt
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