Sunbridge Lodging Hoouse

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Sunbridge Lodging Hoouse
Sunbridge Lodging Hoouse
Sunbridge Lodging Hoouse
A Service at Sunbridge Road Lodging House. This Picture appears in 'The Making of a Mission' by The Bradford Wesleyan Mission. (pub March 1911) pg60 caption: 'A Service at Sunbridge Road' Chapter 'The Aggressive League' - Eastbrook "The existence of 'Out and Out' Bands, Aggressive Leagues, and similar organisations within the church is now the best of signs. They should not be necessary. Until however, the time comes when every Christian, as Mr Hughs used to say, is "at it, all at it, and always at it," they are very useful. Our Aggressive League at Eastbrook has been the soul of our Open-air Work...In the Lodging House Services, too the League has rendered fine services. Under the guidance and direction of Sister Katrina, the young men and women in our society classes have done fine winter's work. At Sunbridge Road, the fortnightly service has been a great success. Always there has been a good company of lodgers, and when the lantern has been used the number swelled to three figures..."(Lantern can be seen in the background of the picture)
Christopher Pratt
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Christopher Pratt
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