Sandwich Boards

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Sandwich Boards
Sandwich Boards
Sandwich Boards
Men with sandwich boards on Leeds Road advertise Eastbrook Brotherhood's Citizen Sunday From Eastbrook Centenary Souvenir in a chapter about The Eastbrook Brotherhood the following is written.. "Many special features of the Brotherhood might be mentioned, but it is worthy of note that from time to time Special Afternoons have been arranged, such as the "Police Sunday," "Postmen's Sunday," "Fire Brigade Sunday," and others of a similar nature. Mr Muir has been wonderfully successful in attracting to the Brotherhood a great many eminent speakers and chairmen. Among those who have addressed the EB may be mentioned Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir A. Conan Doyle, the Right Reverend. the Lord Bishop of Bradford (Dr Perowne), the Vicar of Bradford (Archdeacon Canon Stanton Jones), Gipsy Smith, Rt. Hon A Henderson, while such men as Sir Robert Perks and Sir Thos. Rowbotham have presided."
Christopher Pratt
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Christopher Pratt
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